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Vision and Mission

School Vision and Mission Statements

Vision  •  Mission  •  Motto •  Core Beliefs  •  Key Actions  •  Student Core Beliefs  


Our Vision

 Casa View Elementary seeks to promote productive, thinking, caring, well prepared, lifelong learners who are respectful citizens and community workers.


Our Mission

The mission of Casa View Elementary is to empower all students with knowledge and skills to contribute and succeed in a competitive world.

School Motto

Eagles Soaring to Success!

Core Beliefs

Our main purpose is to improve academic achievement.
Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance.
There is no excuse for poor quality instruction.
With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-risk students.
Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.


Key Actions

Ensure all students read on or above grade level through the consistent implementation of quality balanced literacy program.
Improve student achievement by refining the quality of instruction in each classroom.
Improve culture and climate. 


Student Core Beliefs

My future success depends on working hard today. I have expectations for myself, my classmates, and my school. I aim for excellence even when it's difficult.